Cape Town - A popular Bellville eatery has again set the bar for their record-breaking attempts at meal creation.

Based in Stikland, Annies Ladies Bar was the talk of the town when they showed off their unique 4-metre long gatsby, weighing in at a whopping 65.2kg and prepared under the watchful eye of in-house chef Michael Steyn.

Owners Joe, 63, and Annie Redelinghuys, 64, also made the news in 2019 when they made and served a gigantic 79.5kg burger, which crushed the Guinness World Record of 74.6kg. The burger went on sale at the eatery for R13 950.

On Saturday, the couple from Penhill invited 100 witnesses for the occasion when they laid out four specially made buns measuring 1-metre each, creating the 4-metre base.

This was then layered with fried egg, calamari strips, slap chips, sauces, chicken fillets, masala steak, Annie’s Patties, russians, vienna, polony, onion, tomato and lettuce – cut in four.

Annie put out an invite to the public to join in and eat for free.

"The idea of the gatsby came from bar talk, we just spoke about it randomly and we also wanted to do this to make people aware that we are now serving gatsbies on our menu,” said Annie. We were three people who prepared the gatsby.

“We started preparation at 2pm on Saturday and ended at 6pm, ready to eat.”

Joe said: “Wow, what an experience, we got to feed 140 people on Saturday after creating this monster of a gatsby.

“We can’t say for sure that it is a world record, but we can confidently say it’s the biggest gatsby made in South Africa.”

Ingredients used to make the gatsby cost R2 750, added Joe.

“This attempt was made possible by our brilliant chef Michael. We did this for fun and it proved to be a great success. Above all we enjoyed putting this monster together,” he said.

Staff helped to line up the buns on a long table counter.

Owner and operator of Cut-in-2, an established gatsby eatery in Bergvliet, Bradley Isaacs, added that the gatsby looked tasty, but ingredients did not belong on it. “My opinion on the ‘record gatsby’ that was made... well, kudos to them for attempting it but they are definitely hurting my feelings.

“A gatsby can be gourmet but not sturvy (stuck up) or too posh.

“There's mix between cooked meats and cold processed meats, the lettuce is also a no-no, the incorrect one was used.

“If I were to constructively criticise it, also raw onions (red onions on top of it, the flavour and taste is too potent) coupled with deep fried coated onions.

“It definitely looks tasty and well done to the Annies team, they might have just started a trend, but my stomach would need at least a two-day recovery after attempting this.

I’d gladly challenge that record with a slight twist on a classic gatsby,” he said.

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Cape Argus

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