• A lady took to social media to thank her aunty, who sacrificed herself to help her with her studies
  • The TikTok clip caught the attention of many, generating loads of views, thousands of likes and comments
  • Mzansi netizens loved the stunner's content as they flocked to the comments section to express their thoughts

One young woman had South Africans entertained after expressing gratitude towards her dear aunty for her selfless act.

Woman thanks uneducated auntie for R1000

A Mzansi lady was so grateful for the financial support her aunty offered her that she took to social media to gush about it. The stunner, who goes by the TikTok handle @kwenziemthalane, shared a clip on the video platform showing her place of study.

In her TikTok video, the young woman revealed that her aunty gave her R1000 to "buy a student portal."

The footage amused many people on the internet and became a hit on social media, gathering loads of views, likes, and comments within five days of its publication.

Watch the video below:

SA reacts to the woman's revelation

People clapped for the young lady's aunty, while some shared their own stories of their loved ones stepping up to help them succeed.

Oziel_ntokoane said:

"To my uneducated grandmother who sent me R4,600 to buy an auditorium."

Pumla Pushlet Mnana added:

"To my aunt who paid for weekend camps, that time I was at a boyfriend’s place weekend after weekend."

Kopano_letselebe espressed:

"I can now say I am the only one who never scammed my parents."

H.endricksss wrote:

"Told my dad that Wi-Fi at campus uses iPhone only my boy delivered."

Ongie cracked a joke, saying:

"Student portal sonke pho. I am sure you are a shareholder of the portal."

South African woman’s heartwarming tribute to her brother

Briefly News previously reported that a woman left many online users in their feelings after she showed gratitude towards her brother for his endless sacrifices after she graduated.

A video posted by @allthings_accounting on TikTok shows the young lady's brother dancing around in circles with a big smile. In the spirit of gratitude, the woman thanked her brother for his support during her time at university.

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