July, also known as Mandela Month, is when we celebrate the legacy of the late former South African president, Nelson Mandela.

For Mandela Day, observed on July 18, student designers from the Stadio School of Fashion have already started exhibiting their Mandela Creations at the“ Curated Collection” at Brooklyn Mall in Pretoria.

The student designers were challenged to re-imagine handcrafted items and 67 blankets for Madiba and deliver a fusion of fashion and yarn designed to captivate patrons.

“This wonderful collaboration set the stage for young design talent to get a different perspective on wool. It was a delight working with a group of motivated young people - who spent their mid-year vac working on their designs. Who says GenZ is unmotivated,?” said Anna-Mari Pretorius, the students’ mentor.

As an incentive, their creations could win cash prizes. All they have to do is impress a panel of judges consisting of Craig Jacobs, creative director of Fundudzi by Craig Jacobs, Jacques Bam from The Bam Collective and Natasha Jaume from ERRE Fashion.

“As a designer myself, I enjoy any work that is thought-provoking and challenges the way we think about designing and making.

“I found the exhibition created such a lovely narrative around the intersection between art and fashion, suspending garments in a way that envelopes the viewer while simultaneously celebrating and honouring the beautiful tactility of the hand-knitted blankets provided,” said Bam.

“I was particularly struck by the idea that the exhibits can all be completely deconstructed without damaging the blankets, to ensure they can be donated. It is such a beautifully considered way of looking at clothing.

“Ultimately, I am also proud and excited to see young designers' work on full display! It is so inspiring to know that the future of creation in South Africa is in great hands.”

The “Best in Show” and runner-up winners will be announced on July 17.

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