There are so many charming things to love about cute, mystical farming sims like Fae Farm, but additional concepts on top of the regular gardening plots and family building often give way to plenty of questions. After all, if you’re about to spend a while in Azoria, you’d like to know what you’re getting yourself into!

Fae Farm Review: Room To Grow

Fae Farm has some weak points that need a little more fairy dust to truly fly, but there are still some great things to love about this farming sim.

In this guide, we’re answering some of the most frequently asked questions about Fae Farm. Whether you’ve got burning love questions about the romance candidates or need a little help finding that tricky portal, we’ve got the answers to your questions about Fae Farm.

Updated on June 25, 2024: Now that both the Coasts of Croakia and Skies of Azoria DLC packs are out, we're back to update our general help guide for Fae Farm. Here, you'll find plenty of content that isn't long enough to warrant a guide on its own, but that we thought still needed an answer. Now that we've got a comments section in our articles, feel free to post any questions you may have down in the threads below!

There are still a few known bugs in Fae Farm, so be sure to double-check for information as updates roll out.

Do You Have To Get Married?

Thankfully for asexual/aromantic fans, people bound more by adventure than romance, or just those who weren't taken by any of Fae Farm's romance options, you don't have to get married in this cute little farming sim. You can, if you'd like to - just keep going on dates with one of the romance options.

The more you talk to your romance candidate of choice, and you'll continuously fall harder - romance candidates have romance meters instead of friendship meters. This keeps all the non-romanceable townsfolk in a separate category for friends so there's no confusion.

Same-sex marriage is possible in Fae Farm, so don't worry about missing out. But there's still plenty to do without a spouse in Fae Farm, so the choice is truly up to you! Unlike other farming sims, though, we haven't had any luck marrying other players in the multiplayer version of Fae Farm.

What Happens At The End Of The Day?

In several farming sim titles, the stroke of midnight signals your farmer passing out, sending them to bed and waking them up with less energy than normal. In Fae Farm, though, the game gently ushers you to bed without charging you in items or cash.

You'll receive a warning at 11PM saying that you ought to head home, and another one shortly before 12AM that says it's time for bed. The music changes to a more somber, ambient tune if you're out in the overworld (this doesn't happen inside of the game's dungeons), and you're forced to sleep at midnight.

Regardless of what your farmer is currently doing when the bedtime announcement comes up, the screen will fade to black and the day will end. You'll be paid out for any items you sold, and the following day will begin as scheduled. Your farmer will wake up feeling refreshed and will be safely in their home no matter where you were when midnight struck.

After you've unlocked new houses, you can choose which house your farmer wakes up in - you'll receive the cozy points for that house, so be mindful in your decisions.

Fae Farm: Coasts Of Croakia DLC, Explained

Enjoy your new Critter Companion in the gorgeous new region, Archi-Pal-Igo Park.

How Do You Restore Health And Mana?

Whether you've been out dungeon-crawling and need to recover some health, or you've had a long morning at the Homestead burning through your mana using your tools' special functions, Vera's Shop has what you need in the earliest parts of the game, before you learn to make potions on your own. Speak to Vera when she's in her shop to discover a trove of assorted potions that offer all sorts of boosts for your farmer, their weapons, and more.

Stock up on Health and Mana potions when you've got the money - these are invaluable when dungeon-crawling! Additionally, as you improve in the Magic skill, you'll enhance one of the perks attached to that skill, which is Manasteal. This allows your farmer to occasionally siphon Mana from slain enemies.

Just be aware that unless stated otherwise, cooked foods typically restore only Energy, not Health like in other farming sims. Check the icons on your meal in your inventory before consuming for more info.

Once you've progressed into the Fae Realm and have begun working on your potion-crafting skills, you'll be able to craft potions at home to restore health and mana in the dungeons. Spare potions are a great way to earn some extra income, too!

How Do You Unlock New Furniture?

There are a handful of ways to unlock new decorative items like furniture, wallpapers, flooring, small decor, rugs/paths, and more. Several of them can be fabricated at the shops around town. Simply speak to one of the vendors and ask them to open their shop, and a list of items they can make for you in exchange for both Florin and materials will be displayed. Once you've unlocked a recipe, you'll need to craft the furniture back home.

Some items are unlocked upon progressing through your tool upgrades, when you're suddenly able to farm several more resources. For example, you'll see early on that you can't cut down all the trees on your farm, and upgrading your ax with Cinder the Blacksmith allows you to chop down a new type of tree. That new material has plenty of furniture associated with it, and you'll unlock new furniture for collecting new resources. Be sure to forage as much as possible to see what you can find!

Once you have furniture you like, you can change the color by unlocking new color palettes around town. These are swatches of six colors that you'll be able to use on all sorts of things at home to further customize your house.

But the major way to find all manner of new decorative items for your home in Fae Farm is by collecting all of the Scattered Scrolls lying around town. You receive a letter about them on your second day, and from then on, be on the lookout for rolled-up pieces of paper tied with ribbons. You'll find several of them in every region of the world, DLC packs included, so always keep your eyes peeled.

Some Scattered Scrolls are in obvious spots, while others are quite well hidden - if you're behind something and see the "investigate" option pop up, click it - you've likely found a hidden scroll.

Fae Farm: How To Upgrade Your Inventory

Skye's the limit when it comes to bag space.

How Do Pedestals Work?

Early into your time in Fae Farm, you'll spot several darkened Pedestals around town. These are teleporters, but they must be activated before you can use them, so it's helpful to keep track of which pedestal asks for which seal. You'll need a gemstone seal to unlock all the pedestals in Fae Farm, and the gemstones you need relate directly to the gemstones you find in that region's dungeon.

As you venture into the Saltwater Mines for the first time, you'll begin finding multicolored gemstones, ultimately collecting four gemstones per dungeon in the base game. Not only will you use these to make seals to keep dungeons floors unlocked for easier progress, but you'll use gemstones to craft seals at your Seal Crafting Machine.

Once you've collected the finished seal, go back to the pedestal in question and hold while interacting to place the seal. Doing so activates that Pedestal, and as soon as you have more than one activated, you can begin fast-traveling between pedestals you've already unlocked. This makes returning to areas you've already visited much easier once you don't have to run back and forth all the time.

There's a very convenient pedestal to the left of your house, allowing you to get pretty much anywhere quickly from the Homestead!

Where Is The Portal In Chapter Four?

When you're first given your wings after meeting the Wisp Mother and bringing her the requisite items, you'll be asked to find a portal to the Fae Realm, which has been sealed to keep corrupted magic from escaping. The Wisp Mother sends you to check if the portal is still active, but doesn't give you much information about where to start looking.

All she tells you is that your wings allow your to reach new locations around Azoria, and encourages you to explore. You may have already found where you needed to go on your own exploration before, but had no way to know it was a goal. The portal can be found across the large chasm in the Spooky Woods, which was too wide for your farmer to jump across.

Hold the jump button to flutter across the gap, and the game should trigger that the quest is ready to turn in, urging you to go back to the Wisp Mother.

Fae Farm: Weather Conditions, Explained

Rain or shine, there's adventure to be had in Fae Farm.

Can You Change Your Appearance?

Yes! There are plenty of ways to customize your farmer in Fae Farm, and changing your clothing is only one of the ways you'll find to do it. Visit Millie in the Azoria town square near the market tables. She's the blonde lady in the middle on the left. Millie loves all things fashion and she'll sell you a few new outfits to help you change things up in the early game. Much like your furniture, you're able to change the color of your clothing after unlocking new color palettes.

Another way to find new outfits in Fae Farm is by completing various side hustle jobs for the residents of Azoria. Everyone who runs a shop, as well as a few other townsfolk who have a very clear area of expertise, is able to give you a variety of tasks related to their work. For example, Drak asks you to slay various types and quantities of Jumbles, while Holly wants to see different kinds of seasonal (and fantastical) crops.

The final level of your jobs you can take from each vendor will reward you with an outfit themed to the work you were doing. Aspen gives you the Logger's Outfit, while August offers you a Chef's Outfit for finishing all ofhis cooking quests. If there's something you'd like to model your character after, in terms of professions, there's always an outfit waiting for you at the end of the line of job quests in Fae Farm.

Finally, once you've met the Wisp Mother and have progressed past the introduction to the game, you'll receive a pair of fairy wings that enables you to double-jump and reach heights like never before. There's only one pair of wings you'll receive by default, but you can opt to purchase new wing colors and styles from around town, typically from the Wisp Mother.

Different wings don't offer better stats; they're a purely cosmetic option.

How Do You Grow New Flowers?

Though it'll take you quite a while to finally grow all the different colors of all the different flowers, you can grow custom hybrid flowers in Fae Farm by doing some good old fashioned genetic splicing.

By planting certain flowers of certain colors in diagonal rows in Flower Soil Beds you'll place from the construction menu on your home lot, you'll be able to water your flowers daily to encourage them to grow. As they get watered, you'll stand a chance of potentially spawning a hybrid flower in the empty space between them.

Each flower has a species and two colors in its genetics. You'll only be able to purchase seeds that have set colors, and from there, it's up to you to carefully plant and tend to your flowers so they'll cross-breed. Cross-bred flowers will always have one of the parent flowers' species, and will randomly select two colors from the parent plant genetics to pass on.

There are six kinds of flowers you can grow in Fae Farm, and each type of flower comes in eight possible colors, with only one color available for purchase.

Coral Island Vs. Fae Farm: Which Game Is Better?

If you're going to farm, it better be in style.

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