This summer-themed brainteaser challenges you to spot an imposter word in seconds - so, are you able to beat the heat and solve it in time? 

The mind-boggling optical illusion is putting puzzler lovers' powers of observation to the test - as only those with laser-sharp vision will be able to crack it in 20 seconds flat.

Created by AI question generator site Quizgecko, the image features a solitary misspelled word hidden amid a sea of the word "Summer."

While it might seem simple to solve, the puzzle is much more difficult than it first appears.  

Despite the misspelled word being out in the open, the design of the image can cause the mind to play tricks.

The puzzle consists of nineteen rows of the word "Summer," each written in an italic font. 

The bright blue text against a vibrant yellow background adds to the challenge, with players tasked to spot the error as quickly as they can.

If you manage to locate the misspelled word before the timer runs out, congratulations - you have enviable eyesight! 

However, for those still scratching their heads, don't worry - here's how to find the elusive word as revealed below.

Scan down to the eleventh row and look at the third column from the left hand side. 

Upon closer inspection, you will notice an inconsistency in the spelling of "Summer." 

Instead of the correct spelling, it reads "Sunnner," with the triple use of N's deceiving the eyes into thinking they are two joined-up M's. 

Meanwhile, another tricky brainteaser created by Quizgecko challenges puzzle enthusiasts to locate a hidden imposter number.  

Somewhere in the image the number "690" is nestled within a sea of  - but it is surrounded by a sea of decoys that read "960."

Once more, if you've managed to locate the hidden number within the sixteen rows of numbers - well done, you have laser-sharp eyesight. 

However, if you're having difficulty finding it, avert your gaze to the eighth row and look to the right side of the image. 

On the fifth column from the left, you will be able to see the number "690" hidden between a wall of "960"s. 

Fancy another challenge? Only the most eagle-eyed players will be able to fish out the hidden carp in seconds in this mind-boggling brainteaser

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