If you’re a TikTok regular, you might have come across the running duo who have captured the hearts of many South Africans.

When regular runner, Maryke Nel, posted a video of the pair on a short run through the neighbourhood, people were immediately intrigued.

It all started when Nesta, a domestic worker, simply joined Nel on her run wearing her pink uniform.

At the time, the pair had never met before.

When Nel decided to post a video of their first short run together, she shared how it all started.

“So I was on my run, listening to music, and I passed this special lady and greeted her on the passby, then all of a sudden she started running next to me,” Nel wrote in the caption of the first video which garnered almost one million views.

“So I introduced myself and she told me her name is Nesta. We only ran about 100m then she just stopped by her house and told me that she’ll see me tomorrow again. And we parted ways.

“The next day, I made sure I ran the same time, but no Nesta. So I called her name in front of the house (because I had no other form of contacting her)…eventually she came out all snuggly in her gown and slippers and said we could run ‘tomorrow’,” wrote Nel.

The following day, again dressed in her pink uniform, Nesta joined Nel on their first official run together.

“She smashed it,” wrote Nel.

Over the days to follow, Nesta would join Nel and the pair have now become TikTok-famous.

So much so, that brands have come forward and sponsored Nesta with running gear, which includes proper running shoes.

This came after Nesta shared that her knee was paining after a run.

In one of Nel’s most recent videos, we see the duo in matching running gear sponsored by Koko activewear.

So no more pink dress!

Nesta and Maryke are planning to run the 5km Tshwane Spar Women’s Challenge in August.

IOL Lifestyle

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