• A woman on TikTok proved that detergent alone does not get the dirt off of your kitchen appliances
  • She gave Mzansi a step-by-step tutorial on how to always leave the stove looking brand-new even after heavy cooking
  • The woman showed off her secret to keeping her kitchen clean, which is the fan favourite Handy Andy

A woman on TikTok understands the frustration of having a dirty stove.

Mzansi believes in Handy Andy

Handy Andy has been an essential detergent that every home owns. The product has helped us clean our homes since forever; I mean, what did we do before Handy Andy? Gosh.

However, people have complained that using detergents alone to remove stubborn stains has been disappointingly tiring.

After some time of experimenting, a woman on TikTok unlocked an excellent way of keeping the stove spotless even after cooking up a storm. She starts with her secret weapon, Handy Andy, and then scrubs the stove's surface.

She does not immediately wipe off the product from the stove but instead covers everything with plastic for a few minutes. She then removed the plastic to scrub the surface, which was very satisfying as every scrub did not need much power to remove the dirt.

Her formula works like a charm, and she decided to share it with her TikTok followers. Refilwe captioned her clip:

“They say make the product work for you. A hack I learnt on TikTok. How do you clean yours?”

Watch the video below:

A clean home is a healthy home

A wife and home owner residing in Cape Town told Briefly that:

“So what I do is that I always make sure before I go to bed the house is nice and tidy and the following morning I just do touch ups like sweeping and mopping. There are just two of us endlini so the dishes never pile up. When I wake up, I just clean our room and then that’s it. When it comes to clothes, I wash them during the weekend."

The products Duba keeps in her home are:

  • Sunlight dishwasher
  • Domestos
  • Handy Andy
  • Air mist spray

Indeed, nobody wants to welcome visitors when their house is upside down. Would you ever want to Mary to come over and keep peeping at your dirty kitchen? That would dampen up the tea party, won’t it?

This lady found an incredible hack to keep the kitchen spotless, including that stubborn stove with stains that keep us awake all night scrubbing. Netizens flocked to the woman’s comment section of their two cents:

@MissP advised the lady to use something even more effective:

"Buy Chemico dear, why are you still using Handy Andy?"

@pegras is amazed:

"No way that works."

@Tshepang Elizabeth cannot wait to try out the hack:

"Thank you for such an affordable hack."

Mzansi getting rid of the help

Briefly News also reported that a mother on TikTok chose her mental peace over having to deal with an extra person roaming around her household. The woman announced on TikTok that she let go of her domestic worker, which divided the internet.

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